
Love, Loyalty + Commitment
Garnet | Jeffrey Burroughs New York


Garnet, the January birthstone, has had a place in history for centuries as a gemstone, talisman or sacred stone.

What is Garnet?

Garnet is a mineral group with chemical and physical properties which are closely related to one another. Six main garnet types are used for gemstones: almandine, andradite, grossularite, pyrope, spessartine and uvarovite.

Garnet’s Healing Properties

Garnet is a great stone stone with illuminating and calming aspects that make it an ideal stone to wear for those in a “dark place,” or angry. The fire within Garnet stimulates our survival instinct, bringing willpower and courage to any situation. Garnet inspires love and passion, devotion and loyalty. A stone of commitment, Garnet encourages personal relationships of all kinds, and is a useful relationship tool both personally and in business.

How is Garnet formed?

Garnet is typically found in highly metamorphosed rocks and in some igneous rocks. They form through a combination of high temperatures and/or pressures.

History of Garnet

Found in the ruins of ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, garnet jewelry has been in use for centuries. One of the biblical 12 tribes of Israel used garnet as a symbol. Garnet gets its name from the ancient Romans who used a Latin word for pomegranate. In 1500 Czechoslovakia began a cutting and jewelry industry which remained the largest gem garnet source in the world until the 19th century.

Astrological Signs

Aquarius, Capricorn, Leo + Virgo

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