History of Shamballa
Shamballa’s Origin
The kingdom of Shamballa, the Garden of Eden of the East, was a mythical paradise that was incorporated into the Buddhism and Hinduism religions in Tibet and India. Now considered a “Pure Land”, a fabulous place both real and imaginary, Shamballa is believed to be the land from where the 25th Kalki king will emerge to defeat the “Dark Forces” and usher in worldwide “Golden Age” around the year 2424 AD.
Shamballa in Europe
While it remained widely unknown to the Western World, the concept of Shamballa was introduced in Europe by Portuguese explorers during the 16th Century. The most famous contemporary European adaptation of the myth of Shamballa is described as Shangri-La, the Himalayan earthly paradise depicted in 1933 James Hilton’s Lost Horizon.
Shamballa in the Arts
Shamballa is often represented through intricate geometrical patterns that serve as inspiration for some of Jeffrey Burroughs New York’s iconic pieces. Each bead represents either a journey to harmony and mindfulness or a lesson of spiritual healing and forgiveness. Following a long-standing tradition of Western marvel and fascination for the East, it was in Paris during the early 1990s that modern Shamballa jewelry appeared before conquering the rest of the world thanks to its holistic, timeless allure.
All our Shamballa-style pieces are designed to provide elegance and a comfortable fit for all occasions.